


Matsumoto High School Student Guidance Regulations (Excerpt, Draft)


This article is unrelated to "Tokyo Metropolitan Matsubara High School" and "Osaka Prefectural Matsubara High School", and belongs to the fictional school in the work "The Girl of the Bright Moon"!

This fictional school is not located in any country and does not completely conform to the impression of a real school.

As "The Girl of the Bright Moon" is still being created, this article can be modified or deleted at any time! This is not the final version.

1. Purpose#

According to Article 40 of the Matsubara High School Regulations (established on April 1, 2024), this student code aims to establish basic living habits, regulate necessary matters, and guide school life to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Cultivate the self-awareness and pride of Matsubara High School students and develop a spirit of autonomy and self-discipline.
  2. Recognize that students' duty is their studies, seize every opportunity to independently improve knowledge and education, and cultivate an attitude of seeking truth.
  3. Actively participate in extracurricular activities, deepen friendships, actively cooperate with others, and shape a healthy personality and body.
  4. Etiquette and attire reflect one's character. Communicate with others using correct language and an honest attitude, while maintaining a simple, neat, and dignified appearance, always maintaining a sense of style.
  5. Interactions should be respectful and sincere. Especially between males and females, interactions should be clear, clean, and respectful of personal dignity.
  6. Consciously abide by laws, school regulations, and various rules, and lead a disciplined high school life.

7. Clothing and Hair, etc.#

  1. Purpose
    Dress and hair should be kept clean, proper, and simple to maintain the pride and style of our school's students. The specific regulations are as follows.
  2. Clothing Regulations
    1. Wear the designated school blazer, trousers or skirt, and shirt (with the school emblem on the left sleeve).
    2. Wear the designated school tie.
    3. Wear regular-style leather shoes or sneakers to school.
    4. Socks and other items should be plain and not fancy. Anklet socks must be worn on formal occasions.
    5. Outerwear should be plain and not fancy (distinguishable from casual wear, appropriate for wearing to and from school).
    6. Wear black, blue, or gray (solid V-neck) sweaters, cardigans, or vests. Sweaters and cardigans are for warmth and must be worn under the blazer. Sweaters and cardigans should not be worn alone for going to and from school or during school activities.
    7. Skirts should be knee-length with the school emblem clearly visible on the lower left hem. During the summer dress period (May 1 to October 31), the blazer and tie may be omitted.
    8. Shirts should be the designated long-sleeved or short-sleeved shirts.
    9. Vests (solid V-neck) in black, blue, or gray may be worn.
    10. When wearing the blazer in cold weather, the tie must be worn as well.
  3. Hair
    Hair should be kept clean and avoid untidy hairstyles. Dyeing, bleaching, perming, and hairstyles unsuitable for high school students are prohibited.
  4. Others
    1. The use of cosmetics and accessories unrelated to school life is prohibited.
    2. Indoor shoes in the designated grade color must be worn on campus.
    3. The designated school sportswear must be worn for physical education classes, designated activities, and club activities.

8. Commuting by Bicycle#

  1. Students who wish to commute by bicycle must fill out a bicycle commuting application form and have it submitted to the Student Guidance Department through their homeroom teacher for approval.
  2. Bicycles must display a visible bicycle commuting permit sticker.
  3. Bicycles must be parked in the designated bicycle parking area and locked.
  4. When commuting by bicycle, students must follow traffic rules, avoid violations and traffic accidents. The following actions are prohibited:
    1. Riding against traffic
    2. Riding side by side
    3. Carrying passengers
    4. Using headphones
    5. Riding without lights
    6. Using a mobile phone
    7. Riding with an umbrella

Violation of the above regulations may result in the cancellation of the bicycle commuting permit.

10. Disciplinary Measures#

  • The principal may impose disciplinary measures on students when deemed necessary for education.
  • Disciplinary measures for students include expulsion, suspension, and reprimand.
  • Notification of disciplinary measures shall be given by the principal in the presence of the guardian.
  • Expulsion may be imposed on students in the following cases:
    1. Those with bad conduct and no possibility of improvement.
    2. Those with poor academic performance and no hope of academic achievement.
    3. Those who are frequently absent without valid reasons.
    4. Those who disrupt school order or violate their duties as students.
  • Suspension is a suspension of classes for up to 30 days.

11. Special Guidance#

  • In the case of suspension or reprimand, if the student and their guardian have a sufficient understanding of the behavioral issues and the principal believes that the same effect can be achieved in terms of education, it may be replaced with special guidance such as counseling in a separate room, confinement at home, or a reprimand from the principal (hereinafter referred to as "special guidance").

  • The following situations may also be subject to special guidance:

    1. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or similar behaviors.
    2. Drug abuse or similar behaviors.
    3. Driving without a license, driving a vehicle, riding a motorcycle, reckless behavior, and other violations of traffic rules.
    4. Violation of the conditions for obtaining a driver's license at this school.
    5. Cheating or attempting to cheat during exams and disobeying instructions from exam proctors.
    6. Theft or extortion.
    7. Violent behavior or bullying.
    8. Intentional damage to school buildings, equipment, and other public property.
    9. Riding public transportation without a ticket.
    10. Entering inappropriate dining establishments, etc.
    11. Possessing items that should not be held by students.
    12. Other obstructive behavior, violations of student guidance regulations, and behavior unsuitable for high school students.

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