


Record of Day 199 in the year 2024

Today I finished writing the prologue of "The Daughter of the Moon" and also completed half of the unpublished first chapter. I estimate that the first chapter will be ready to be released tomorrow.

Today I studied the first lesson of the Science Box, but I haven't recorded the unboxing video and photos yet. I'll slowly take them after tidying up my desk tomorrow morning.

Just finished watching the third episode of the anime "The Neighbor Ellie, who occasionally covers herself in shame in Russian," and the production is still very satisfying. Personally and objectively, I deeply resonate with it. According to the three-episode rule, I declare this to be a good series worth watching.

I will write an article about my own feelings tomorrow morning. It's a bit late today.

This article is synchronized updated by Mix Space to xLog. The original link is https://oimaster.top/notes/6

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