


Record of the 219th day of the year 2024

I couldn't finish my homework today. To make up for it, I will wake up at exactly ==4:00== tomorrow morning and copy English lesson 5! I will also complete all math assignments tomorrow and continue copying English lesson 5 in the evening.

In addition, I will start reading "Chekhov's Short Stories" tomorrow!

Reporting on today... I downloaded the three seasons and the movie of Kaguya-sama and watched the written as OVA read asbonus episode of that episode.

I also got the program for ATRI -My Dear Moments- today! But it seems like it will take over ten hours to finish, so for now, it's just sitting in my hard drive gathering dust!

There's also a side note. When downloading Kaguya-sama today, I encountered a "not enough space on the hard drive to download" error, which was quite scary. Luckily, I fixed my NAS, but the transfer speed wasn't fast enough because I wasn't at home. So in the end, I just dumped it into my own 1TB hard drive! || The same goes for other anime. The lack of space on the hard drive was due to the virtual machine consuming 60GB. ||

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