


Record of Day 216 in the year 2024

Today, all the research reports and pictures of the members of "Science Box" have been collected. Since the PPT is due tomorrow at noon, time will be tight, so I plan to get up early tomorrow.

I didn't do any homework today. Tomorrow, I will finish the remaining two chapters of math homework, practice some English writing, and if there is time, I will also practice Chinese writing.

However, I have to get up early tomorrow to finish the unfinished research, and then I have to make the PPT, so the work progress is still quite rushed. It depends on the situation.

Today, I watched the fourth episode of the anime "ATRI -My Dear Moments-". Maybe because I watched it without subtitles, I didn't quite understand the plot, and personally, I feel it's a bit bland. I will watch it again with subtitles later.

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