


Record of Day 206 in the year 2024

Today, I successfully switched my PS5 to the Hong Kong server using some amazing tricks and downloaded the games! However, in the end, my sister took it to play a racing game.

Also, today I used the TOKYO MX mirror I found earlier to watch "The Neighbor's Tablemate Ellie, Who Secretly Speaks Russian Truths" live! It was very stable, and there were no disconnections throughout the process.

I've heard that the animations from Studio Ghibli have a high information density and fast pace. But last week in your romance series, they held hands in the third episode? And this week in the fourth episode, they confessed?! And they even kissed! (Isn't this moving too fast?)


After watching the series, I took a nap and suddenly remembered that I hadn't written in my diary, so I got up to catch up, and ended up running out of time.

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