


Introduction to Temp Mail


Websites often face harassment from temporary emails. In order to reduce temporary email registrations, I developed a project like this. ||Actually, it has been around for a long time, and now I think I can release it.||


iS Temp Mail is a simple and practical tool used to determine whether an email address is a temporary email. Just add the email address you want to check after the project URL, for example:

https://istempmail.oimaster.top/[email protected]

The project will return JSON data. For example, for the above link, a possible return is:

  "success": true,
  "istempmail": false,
  "detail": "oimaster.top is judged as a normal email",
  "judger": "gqgvzon",
  "id": -1

Return Value#

Returns in JSON format.

  • success: Indicates whether the request was successful.
  • istempmail: Boolean value indicating whether the email is a temporary email.
  • detail: Detailed explanation of the judgment result.
  • judger: Algorithm or method identifier used for judgment.
  • id: Debugging tag. Generally, it is -1. No practical significance.

How to Use#

  1. Open a browser and visit the iS Temp Mail website.
  2. Add the email address you want to check after the URL, for example:
    https://istempmail.oimaster.top/[email protected]
  3. Press Enter (GET) and wait for the page to return JSON data.
  4. Determine whether the email is a temporary email based on the returned data.

You can also call it through automated programs. Please note that this project is protected by Cloudflare. Higher request frequencies will be rejected.

I hope this small project can be helpful to everyone. If you have any problems or suggestions while using it, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section, and I will reply and improve the project as soon as possible.

This article is synchronized updated by Mix Space to xLog
The original link is https://oimaster.top/posts/soft-engi/is-temp-mail-intr

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