


🌑 New Moon · Prologue · The Smile of the Lonely Blue-Haired Girl

On Monday morning, Songyuan High School started its school day.

This is a winding uphill road, about half a kilometer long. The road is narrow, with various flowers and plants planted on the side, adding a touch of vitality to this narrow path.

The students are dressed in uniform suits, carrying their backpacks, walking towards the school in groups of three or five. Some people are chatting, some are silently reciting the text in their textbooks, and some are stopping to admire the blooming azaleas on the side of the road.

Occasionally, you can see classmates riding bicycles, pedaling hard.

Yuelan walked out of the Akiru Station alone, without talking to anyone, so her pace seemed particularly fast.

(Another Monday...)

Following this path, Yuelan walked for about 5 minutes and arrived at the school.

The school gate is made of red bricks, with a sign hanging above that says "Songyuan High School". Unfortunately, after years of wind and rain, the writing on the sign has become blurred.

There are several teaching buildings standing in the campus, and the outer walls are painted white. There is a clock hanging on the wall facing the gate.

It's already eight o'clock. Yuelan quickened her pace.

Finally, she arrived at the classroom. The classroom is very tidy, with a clean floor; there are desks and chairs placed at the back for other teachers to attend open classes, even though no one is using them now, they are arranged neatly; the curtains on the south side are pulled open, and the spring sunlight pours in, making the whole classroom bright and transparent.

Some classmates are reading, some are studying on their own.

Yuelan put down her backpack and took out her textbook. Before long, the class meeting began. The homeroom teacher walked into the classroom.

"Good morning, students! Today, we have a new classmate in our class, please welcome her!"

A blue-haired girl walked into the classroom and stood on the podium, instantly causing a whisper below.

"Wow! Is that her?"

"Oh my god! She's so beautiful!"

"Right! Look at those bright blue eyes, and her fair skin!"

"And her figure is also great, just like a model! It's so lucky to be in the same class as her."

"Exactly! She must not be a local, she looks like she's from Europe?"

"I'm really curious about where she comes from... she looks very gentle."

Yuelan didn't say anything, just glanced at Dream Ting lightly. Dream Ting smiled at her slightly. Yuelan quickly looked away.

After a while, the classroom gradually quieted down, and Dream Ting began to introduce herself.

"I'm glad to be studying at Songyuan High School. My name is Dream Ting..."

Her crisp and pleasant voice made everyone involuntarily focus and listen.

(Her Mandarin is really standard, just like a professional announcer, and her tone sounds very comfortable!)

(Where is she from? It's impossible for a foreigner to have such pronunciation...)

"...I hope to make new friends here!" Dream Ting finished her self-introduction concisely.

The next thing to solve is Dream Ting's seating arrangement. After thinking for a moment, the homeroom teacher nodded gently and pointed to a row of students.

"Well then... starting from Xiaorui, leave an empty seat behind this row of students..."

Xiaorui happened to be sitting on Yuelan's right side. He tidied up the books on his desk and stood up. With the sound of wood and metal colliding, Yuelan's right side soon became empty.

Under the guidance of the homeroom teacher, enthusiastic classmates helped Dream Ting move the desk and chair. Dream Ting walked to Yuelan's side and sat down.

Yuelan felt a little nervous, so she lowered her head and started taking notes in her book.

(All the classmates' eyes are focused on me!)

Yuelan doesn't usually like to talk and is a bit shy. While being quiet, she often ranks first in the class and is in the top ten in the grade. She is efficient and rarely procrastinates. In addition, she always seems to come and go without a trace, unless she is right in front of you, no one knows where she has gone.

In this way, it is quite difficult to get close to Yuelan. However, our new classmate seems to have not noticed this.

"What are you doing?"

Yuelan was startled by the sudden conversation.

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